Specializing in pelvic floor treatment.

Feel the difference. Improve faster.

Our physical therapists are experts in vagina specific pelvic floor physical therapy. They work 1:1 with you to get your life and fitness back to normal.

Whether you’re struggling with changes through pregnancy/post-partum, pelvic pain, leaking when you cough or sneeze, painful sex, bowel problems, DRA, prolapse…Madrona PT can help.

Leave our clinic feeling hopeful, empowered and relieved!

Madrona Physical Therapy is Not
Your Typical PT Clinic.

YOU matter.
Our patients tell us that other healthcare providers have dismissed their problems or tell them “that’s just how it is.” Here at Madrona, we take the time to truly listen to your concerns and fully address them so you can get on with your life. We know that closely listening to our patients improves their recovery.

More than a number.
We are different.  Instead of focusing on volume like typical clinics, we choose to provide highly individualized and holistic care. You will be 1:1 for 1 hour with your Doctor of Physical Therapy. You will NEVER be passed off to an aide or double booked with another patient. Our time and specialized skills are dedicated to you, so you can get back to normal and focus on living.

Expert level care.
Our clinic is owned and directed by Angie Maxwell, a Board-certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy. She and her staff are the most qualified in the area to help you reach your goals and recover. Don’t entrust your care to someone who just dabbles in pelvic floor or women’s health. We provide the best care, not a best guess.

Focus on privacy.
Our clinic features large, private treatment rooms with lots of space. Sometimes your whole session is in the treatment room…who wants to talk about things you may not even tell your best friend in a big gym?! We’ve created a safe space where those with vaginas can share their concerns and be truly heard.

Madrona Physical Therapy is extremely client centered and will care for you in the way you need.
— Anonymous

Designed with Pelvic Health in mind.
Unlike other orthopedic PT clinics who offer pelvic health as an additional service, our entire clinic is designed to deliver pelvic floor treatment. Our pelvic tables, spacious gym, private treatments rooms, and specialized equipment help you to improve faster with the best technology available (say hello to high tech and less invasive pelvic PT!)

YOU are unique.
Your problem may be the pelvic floor muscles, but it could also be something else. Your issue is as unique as you are! We look at your whole body to determine if it’s working together the best it can. We know that we need to investigate all aspects of you, to resolve your problem and help you recover faster.

This has been hands down the best Physical Therapy clinic I have ever gone to…The whole practice was supportive, professional and well run…I also love that we could track of my exercises on an app!
— Lynda L.

Don’t continue to suffer with your symptoms!

Leakage when you laugh or sneeze, going to the restroom just in case or too often, painful sex, neck/back pain and more are NOT part of a normal life. You don’t have to put up with it! We want to help you not only recover from your symptoms, but take charge of your health so symptoms don’t return.

Our Physical Therapists can help treat the following conditions:

  • Pelvic and/or Perineal Pain

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Issues

  • Urinary or Bowel Issues

  • Pelvic-minded Birth Prep

  • Tailbone Pain

  • Leaking with laughing/sneezing/jumping

  • Painful bladder or urination

  • Painful Sex or Dysfunction

  • C-Section Recovery

  • Any Muscle or Joint Problem

  • Osteoporosis/Osteopenia

  • Overactive bladder/Urinary Frequency

  • So much more!

What are you struggling with?

Not sure if we can help, or don't see your specific issues listed?  Our Pelvic Health Specialists have seen it all.

  Give us a call at 253.212.3620 or send us a message and a team member can answer any questions about your specific case and how we can help!

“Like many, I was nervous to start Pelvic Floor PT…Angie made me feel so comfortable despite my nerves. PT has helped so much in my healing postpartum. I would definitely recommend Angie for new mama’s or anyone needing Pelvic Floor PT!”
-Maddie R.